EASTER 2023.
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6 pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6 pm
Good Friday
The Way of the Cross 10 am (english and polish)
The Lord’s Passion 3 pm
Holy Saturday
Polish Food Blessing 10 am, 11 am and 12 noon
Easter Vigil 8.30 pm
Easter Sunday
9 am Mass in Polish,
10.30 Mass at Overton,
12 noon Mass St. Anne's, Wrexham
Easter Monday
9 am Mass in Polish
11.00 am at St. Anne's, Wrexham
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday begins the Easter Triduum–the three days leading up to Jesus’ Resurrection. Its formal name is Mass of the Lord’s Supper, which was the first celebration of the Eucharist. Other branches of Christianity refer to this day as Maundy Thursday.
This liturgy includes the reception of the Holy Oils, in which the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of Catechumens, and the Holy Chrism are processed through the church, to be used for the rest of the year. These oils are all blessed by the local bishop shortly before the liturgy.
Also notable at the Holy Thursday service is the washing of the feet, in which the priest washes the feet of 12 parishioners. Jesus did this to demonstrate to his disciples how they are to serve others through selfless love.
At the end of Mass, consecrated hosts remain on the altar while everything else is stripped away. As incense fills the church, the priest, donning a special garb called a humeral veil, takes the Blessed Sacrament and processes out of the church to a chapel or other area for adoration.
In 2023, Holy Thursday is April 6.
Good Friday
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, commonly known as Good Friday, is the only day in the entire year in which no Mass is celebrated.
It’s a solemn day that calls for fasting and abstinence.
Stations of the Cross are popular on Good Friday. The main service on Good Friday features no procession. The Passion is read and the Eucharist (consecrated on Thursday) is distributed.
Veneration of the Cross and solemn intercessions–a set of shared prayer intentions offered universally on this day–are other unique elements to the Good Friday service.
In 2023, Good Friday occurs on April 7.
Holy Saturday
The Mass on Holy Saturday is the Easter Vigil.
This is the most unique and perhaps most important liturgy of the year. The Easter Vigil ends the Triduum and begins Easter celebrations.
The service can only begin once the sun has set. Outside the church, a fire lights the Paschal candle, and the flame is shared throughout the church to individual handheld candles. The Liturgy of the Word, which normally includes nine readings, begins in darkness.
The readings demonstrate the connection between the Old and New Testaments and how Jesus fulfilled Scripture and achieved salvation for all humanity.
The Liturgy of Baptism, which follows the Gospel and homily, marks the culmination of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Catechumens, who have been preparing to enter the Church, are baptized, confirmed, and later receive their first Holy Communion.
The Easter Vigil is a joyous, celebratory liturgy, filled with rich songs. Although the services ends late at night, churches typically have a reception afterward to continue the celebration.
In 2023, the Easter Vigil will take place on April 8. It will begin at different times in different parts of the country (and world), depending on the sunset time.
Easter Sunday
Compared to other Holy Week services, Easter Sunday Masses are most similar to those that occur during Ordinary Time.
The festive atmosphere continues from the Easter Vigil, with the worship space decorated with beautiful flowers.
Of course, many parishioners wear special outfits to celebrate the day. Easter, the biggest feast that the Church has, is also among the most well-attended services of the year.